A distributor of luxury German beach chairs needed help marketing to people who would be interested in that product, but didn't know how to. That's where we came in!
1) find the ideal demographic of Facebook users to advertise to, 2) drive traffic to a new microsite from Facebook, 3) make it easy for interested people to contact Strandhouse and demo beach chairs.
1. Find out who to target (or as we like to say: which pond to fish in)
Luxury German beach chairs (or Strandkorbs) are most appealing to German natives, but we could only reach out to people living in Orange County, California who could demo these chairs in person. To target German natives living in Orange County, we narrowed down Facebook’s targeting to people who have German listed as a speaking language on their profile, who also lived in Orange County. This allowed us to reach out to people who had used or heard of Strandkorbs before, and would likely be interesting in purchasing one.
2. Design & Develop Ad Campaign
3. Launch Site Landing Page and Generate Leads